ESG Legislation Framework 

ImpactBuying supports your sustainability goals by providing an integrated framework that covers both regulatory and voluntary guidelines. This ensures a streamlined approach to gathering valuable data and insights related to sustainability.


Disclose the sustainability information mandated by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive by tracking environmental, social, and governance metrics with ImpactBuying’s support.



Prepare for the upcoming EU directive on human rights and environmental due diligence. Take proactive steps to identify and mitigate risks related to human rights and environmental impact within your operations, subsidiaries and supply chain.


Ensure compliance with the European Union Deforestation Regulation by verifying that your products are free from deforestation risks throughout your supply chain.


Report your ESG data in line with the upcoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards. Utilize ImpactBuying’s tools to stay compliant and seamlessly align with these evolving requirements.

Due Diligence

Implement a thorough due diligence process with ImpactBuying’s help  to identify, assess, and address risks related to human rights and environmental impact across your operations and supply chain.



Establish a robust process for complying with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LKSG) by implementing risk management systems, conducting risk analyses, issuing policy statements, and taking preventive measures to align with the regulation.

Green Claims Directive

Ensure your environmental claims are accurate and compliant with the Green Claims Directive by verifying the sustainability of your products and preventing misleading information.

Scope 3

Track and reduce your Scope 3 emissions by gaining insights into the indirect environmental impact across your entire value chain.

GHG protocol

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol offers standards, guidance, and tools to help businesses and governments accurately measure and manage their climate-warming emissions.


Sience based targets initiative

Set and measure your emissions with ImpactBuying’s support. Follow the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to ensure a consistent approach to minimizing your climate impact.

UN guiding principles on human rights

A framework of guidelines for states and businesses to prevent, address, and remedy human rights abuses within business operations.


The Business Social Compliance Initiative (Amfori BSCI) offers a social auditing methodology and reporting system that helps companies consistently enhance working conditions in their supply chains.