First report submitted under the German Supply Chain Act using our software solution and expertise
Working with one of our clients, we have taken a significant step towards more transparent supply chains. In response to the German Supply Chain Act, our customer was able to submit the first report to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) using our software solution, our expertise and supported by our dedicated service team.
The Supply Chain Act, which has been in force since 1 January 2023, marks an important milestone in the drive to hold companies accountable for their global supply chains. It requires German companies to ensure human rights and environmental due diligence in their global supply chains.
Our customized software solution played a crucial role in efficiently collecting, analyzing and submitting data for the report. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, it enables our customers to make their supply chains more transparent and traceable. It provides all the information required to submit the report from the supply chain – the fact that transferring the data to the BAFA system has so far only been possible via time-consuming copy-paste is not in our hands.
The expertise of our team of sustainable supply chain management professionals not only ensured the report was accurately aligned with legal requirements, but also ensured high data quality and enabled the identification of potential areas for improvement in our client’s supply chains.
Our dedicated service team supported the client throughout the process, ensuring that not only the legal requirements were met, but also that the understanding of the importance of sustainable supply chains was further enhanced.
The report therefore not only provides a comprehensive insight into our client’s efforts and progress in complying with legal requirements, but also emphasizes the indispensable role of a software solution, years of expertise and the support of a service team in this ground-breaking process. We are looking forward to BAFA’s initial feedback on the information provided.
The transparency provided by this reporting is critical to identifying potential risks in supply chains and taking action to improve labor conditions, environmental impacts and overall business practices.
We are proud to be part of this significant step towards responsible business and firmly believe that this not only promotes the well-being of our global community, but also ensures the long-term sustainability of our economy.
Together, we are setting an example for transparent supply chains and actively promoting a world where ethical principles are upheld at every step of the global value chain.