Name change from SIM (Supply chain Information Management) to Impact Buying

Dear user of the SIM database,
We would like to inform you of an upcoming change; starting 1 January 2022, Supply chain Information Management (SIM) B.V. and ImpactBuying B.V. will merge and will continue under the name ImpactBuying B.V.
Supply chain due diligence is here to stay. We see the rise of the conscious consumer, being served by equally conscious professional Impact Buyers. The conscious consumer looking for honest products is increasing and our clients rely on our leadership. On top of this; where most of what we did together was voluntary, now legislation on European and national levels is on its way. This requires a next level of transparency, reliable data and actions to be taken. With SIM’s supplier- and product tooling, our multilingual data verification team and ImpactBuying’s action-oriented support we truly believe that we can help our clients to be on the forefront of a shift.
Good business AND doing good can and must go together. It is our ambition to enable sustainable buying for our clients and consumers based on trusted data. For years our clients are working on making steps towards a Proven Positive Impact in their supply chains by using their buying power in a positive way. That is why we feel that the name ImpactBuying B.V. reflects our purpose and the added value we want to bring as a B Corporation.
What does it mean for you? Starting 1 January 2022, only ImpactBuying (IB) will be used in public communications and new and renewed documentation. The SIM Solutions database where you share supply chain and product data with your client(s) will be rebranded to Impact Buying. The SIM Solutions database functionality will stay the same and you will recognize the “Powered by SIM”. The domain name will change to, as well as the log-in page ( to all our tooling. Your login credentials will stay the same.
Inspired by a new look and feel, our mission, management and team remains and will continue to work with you towards positive impact in 2022! Thank you for your collaboration and your trust.
Marjan de Bock-Smit, Leontien Hasselman-Plugge
and the whole ImpactBuying team