IFS ESG Check training for IFS Auditors and Assessors

This online training will prepare IFS auditors and IFS Global Market Assessors for carrying out the verification of the IFS ESG Check and Carbon Footprint module. A practical and hands-on approach is combined with expert explanations of context like international guidelines and legislation. 

Set-up of the training

The training includes two modules:

  1. The ESG Check
  2. Carbon Footprint

Both modules start with an e-learning to create base knowledge of ESG and carbon footprint, followed by live online training sessions. The ESG Check and Carbon Footprint self-assessment forms that will be filled in by the company are the starting points for each live session. Next to going through the checklist to explain each requirement and its context, the auditors will practice verifying possible input that the company provides in the self-assessment.

Another important part of the training is the scoring that the auditor will use. The scoring and the way to look at organizations that are in the process of implementing ESG/sustainability is different from auditing practice regarding for instance food safety.  This will need thorough explanation by the trainer and exercises to practice a different ‘mindset’ of the auditor. The final part of the training focuses on writing the report and the summary.

After a successful first round of auditor training, a new round is coming up in the first half of 2023. If you are interested in this training, please register with IFS for this training.

Interested in another IFS ESG Check course?

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