From assumptions to a reality check: what is the reality on the ground of

your supply chains? And what are your options to make a positive impact?

The experienced and pragmatic experts from ImpactBuying help you to do a reality check on the ground of your supply chains. Is the assumed risk really material? What do the local stakeholders say? And what are your options to make a Proven Positive Impact in line with the needs of local stakeholders?

Aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, our experts take a deep dive into your supply chain, a product group or a specific product. We have strong local specialists that perform on the ground work together with our international team. In close collaboration with your internal experts and other stakeholders, such as the category manager, sustainability manager, buyers and suppliers. We deliver the facts and the advice that allow you to act and make a positive Impact.

Ready to do a reality check in your supply chain?

Impact Assessment: Oranges from Egypt

This impact assessment maps out the potential and actual impact along the supply chain of juice oranges sourced from Egypt. This assessment focuses on both adverse and positive to the impact areas of people and (surrounding) society. More specifically, people’s working and living conditions are assessed. In addition, the use of land and water for orange production is included as relevant impact area of natural resources.

Want to read the impact assessment on oranges?

Impact Assessment: Tomatoes from Italy

This Human Rights Impact Assessment has been focussed on delivering an overview of the 2021 situation with regards to the identified human rights situation linked to Italian processed tomatoes. It aims to deliver insights in the opportunities for Dutch retailers and Dutch premium brand food manufacturers to contribute to positive change regarding human right violations in the supply chain of Italian processed tomatoes.

Want to read the impact assessment about tomatoes?